This section presents a basic explanation of the requirements of IAQG's 9104-3 standard.  If you have further questions about this topic, please contact an IAQG-approved Auditor Approval Body as listed in IAQG's OASIS Database (free registration required).  The IAQG Training Support Team is not able to answer detailed questions about work and audit experience requirements.

In order to become an authenticated auditor, you must meet the audit and work experience requirements outlined in the 9104-3 standard (also known as AS9104/3).

IAQG established the following two categories of auditors:

  • Authenticated Auditor (AA) recognizes the individual has the demonstrated competence (i.e., knowledge, skills, and personal attributes) to conduct an audit on ASD organizations.  (In the earlier revision to 9104-3, this was known as an "Aerospace Auditor.")
  • Authenticated Experienced Auditor (AEA) recognizes the individual has the demonstrated competence (i.e., knowledge, skills, and personal attributes) to lead an audit on ASD organizations [...] together with appropriate recognized work experience and demonstrated knowledge in the ASD industry.  (In the earlier revision to 9104-3, this was known as an "Aerospace Experienced Auditor.")

Authentication is also specific to the AQMS standard you wish to audit (9100, 9110, 9120), although the same auditor can be qualified to multiple standards.

A new update to 9104-3 standard is coming soon and Auditor Accreditation Bodies (AABs) will be transitioning to these new requirements over the next few years.  As a result of this transition process, prospective auditors should be aware of both the old and new requirements (explained in the sections below) and clarify with their chosen AAB about which requirements apply to them.

To become authenticated, prospective auditors must reach out to an Auditor Authentication Body (AAB).  The approved AABs are listed in IAQG's OASIS database at the following page:

(You will need to create a free OASIS account to access this page.)

Although IAQG established the overall requirements in 9104-3, the specific decision to authenticate any prospective auditor rests with the AAB.  If you have any specific questions about your personal audit or work experience, please reach out to your chosen AAB for further information.

Existing Requirements According to 9104-3:2007

The following tables, found in 9104-3:2007, explain the applicable requirements for initial auditor authentication.  There are separate tables for 9100/9120 auditors and for 9110 auditors.  

9100 and 9120 Requirements

Element9100/9120 Auditor9100/9120 Aerospace Experienced Auditor
Auditor RecognitionQuality Management System (QMS) auditor by nationally-recognized AAB

or meet the education, training, work experience, and audit experience of

ISO 19011 (see section 7.4). 

Audit Experience

4 full QMS or AQMS (9100) audits conducted for a total of 20 audit person days within the past 3 years.

Only 2nd or 3rd party audits shall be considered. 

AQMS Auditor TrainingSuccessful completion of an approved AQMS Foundation Course* (see Appendix A): 
  • 9100 for 9100 auditors.
  • 9120 for 9120 auditors.

NOTE: An attendee can only attend the AQMS. Foundation Course, if he/she has successfully completed a QMS (ISO 9001) auditor training course

Successful completion of an approved AQMS Standard Auditor Course (see

Appendix A).

  • 9100 for 9100 auditors.
  • 9120 for 9120 auditors. 
Industry Specific TrainingNot required.

Successful completion of

an approved aerospace

industry specific course:

9100/9110 (see Appendix


4 years of AQMS work experience within the past 10 years (see section 3.16).
AQMS Work Experience (See section 3.16)Not required.

2 years of AQMS work

experience within the past

15 years. 

Auditor EvaluationNot required.

Successful completion of

2 full audits witnessed*

by an AEA:

9100 for 9100 auditors.

  • 9100 or 9110 for 9120 auditors. 

9110 Requirements

Element9110 Auditor9110 Aerospace Experienced Auditor
Auditor RecognitionQuality Management System (QMS) auditor by nationally-recognized AAB

or meet the education, training, work experience, and audit experience of

ISO 19011 (see section 7.4). 

Audit Experience

4 full QMS or AQMS (9100 or 9110) audits conducted for a total of 20 audit person days within the past 3 years.

Only 2nd or 3rd party audits shall be considered. 

AQMS Auditor TrainingSuccessful completion of an approved 9110 AQMS Foundation Course* (See Appendix A):

NOTE: An attendee can only attend the AQMS Foundation Course, if he/she has successfully completed a QMS (ISO 9001) auditor training course. 

Successful completion of an approved AQMS Standard Auditor Course for 9110 (see Appendix A). 

Industry Specific TrainingNot required.

Successful completion of an approved aerospace industry specific course: Repair/Maintenance (see Appendix A). 

4 years of AQMS work experience within the past  10 years (see section 3.16).

In addition, 2 years full time experience performing repair/maintenance in the last 4 years;
Specific training in Repair/Maintenance.
AQMS Work Experience (See section 3.16)Not required.

2 years of AQMS work

experience within the past

15 years. 

Auditor EvaluationNot required.

Successful completion of 2 full 9110 audits witnessed* by an AEA. 

* NOTE 1: The current AQMS Foundation Course is the Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT).

New Requirements According to the next 9104-3 revision

The following table, found in the upcoming 9104-3 revision, explains the applicable requirements for initial auditor authentication:

ElementAuthenticated Auditor (AA)
Authenticated Experienced Auditor (AEA)
Baseline TrainingEvidence of passing a TPAB approved ASD Lead Auditor Course (see 3.11)
Audit Experience (see 3.4)Evidence within the past three years of:
  1. a minimum of four 2nd party QMS/AQMS and/or 3rd party QMS full system audits (see 3.17) in a team member or team leader role;
  2. additional audits, if necessary, to demonstrate coverage of all requirements of the respective standard at least twice; and
  3. a minimum of 20 on-site audit days (excluding planning and report writing).
Experience within the past three years of:
  1. a minimum of four 2nd party QMS/AQMS and/or 3rd party QMS full system audits (see 3.17) leading a team in a team leader role;
  2. additional audits, if necessary, to demonstrate coverage of all requirements of the respective standard at least twice; and
  3. a minimum of 20 on-site audit days (excluding planning and report writing).
IAQG Sanctioned Requisites (see 3.16)Evidence of successful completion (including examination, as applicable) of any IAQG requisites*.
Work Experience (see 4.3)Evidence of 2 years work experience within the past 10 years (see 4.3.1).9100/9120: Evidence of four years ASD work experience (see 4.3.2) within the last 10 years.
9110: 9100 above, plus evidence of two years aviation maintenance work experience (see 4.3.3) within the last four years.
ASD Industry Knowledge (see 4.4)Evidence not required.9100/9120: Evidence of industry knowledge (see 4.4.1).
9110: Evidence of industry knowledge (see 4.4.2).

* NOTE 1: The current IAQG Sanctioned Requisite is the Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT) Course.

The updated 9104-3 also defines a process whereby, after completing a full auditor authentication cycle (3 years), Authenticated Auditors (AA) can advance to the Authenticated Experienced Auditor (AEA) role after gaining necessary AQMS audit experience, industry knowledge, and demonstrating good audit performance.  

NOTE: The AAB may not have yet finished their transition to the 9104-3:2020 requirements listed above.  Please reach out to the AAB to confirm the applicable requirements according to their specific transition timing.